• Home Office & Multipurpose Room Staging

    I am so excited to start showing you our home staged to sell! If you missed my first post about how we sold our home be sure to head back here to read that. I have many rooms to show and tips and tricks to share with you. We were blessed to sell our home to the first person who saw it and over list price. The weeks leading up to selling, we were busy painting, cleaning, decluttering and researching how best to stage a home to sell. Today, I am taking you guys into our office and multi-purpose room. This room has mostly been a playroom and office for…

  • White and Gray Vintage Bathroom Refresh

    Life has sure changed in the past couple of months, hasn’t it? I never could have imagined living in a time like this, but here we are. I hope all of you are managing to stay healthy both physically and mentally as we battle this crisis time “together alone.” I, personally, am holding up well although we have all battled some form of illness or another in the past several months. Everyone seems to be healthy now and we continue to stay close to home. This time has had its number of challenges as we strive to figure out our new normal. My top priority is keeping the kids healthy…

  • Updating a Bathroom Without Remodeling

    Quick Bathroom Fixes for Selling a House

    Summer is flying by! I even lit one of my fall candles the other day and found myself getting in the mood for the next season. Yup, I really did. Don’t worry, I didn’t break out any fall décor just yet.  I’ll wait till September for that. But seriously, I am still enjoying the warm weather and spending the days carefree (for the most part), with the little ones. I haven’t had a lot of time to work on any dollhouse projects, but I am looking forward to that when the older kids go back to school and the baby is taking a nap. So no miniatures today, instead, I…

  • Favorite Decorating from Our Previous Home

    It’s hard to believe that we have lived in our new home for over six months now. I am loving all of the extra space and conveniences nearby, not to mention the opportunity to decorate with a completely new palette. We have met and even begun to build friendships with wonderful neighbors in our cul-de-sac, and it really does feel like home. I have to admit though, I still have moments where I miss our old house, the small country town we lived in, and the amazing neighbors we left behind. I still get a twinge of sadness when I think of that first home we lived in for seven…

  • Minimalist Master Bedroom Staged to Sell

    Today, I’m excited to pick back up on a series I started over the summer, showing how we staged our previous house to sell. It was a major undertaking with three small children and having to live in it at the same time, but we did it on our own and for minimal cost. Once we got the house listed, we had six showings the first day and were able to sell it for above list price in less than 24 hours. It really came down to decluttering and staging to make that possible, since we did not live in a particularly “hot” market area.  I started this series with…