• Kitchen Transformation in Progress!

    Can I just tell you how excited I am? My husband and I have been living in our current home for about four and half years. We have done some upgrades to several rooms (paint, crown molding, change of light fixtures, etc.), but one room we haven’t done any upgrades to (other than new appliances) is our kitchen. The heart of our home and we have neglected it. But not anymore… My husband is off on vacation this week, and being the amazing man that he is, instead of resting up and enjoying his free time, he is redoing my kitchen. The progress so far is astounding me. I know that…

  • testing out the kitchen…

      As soon as there is even a hint of fall in the air, I get in the mood to bake. I love making breads, cakes, cookies, etc. Now with the new house…and new kitchen…I have been even more in the mood for testing it out. I decided to challenge myself last week and bake my first pie…a pecan pie.    I saw this delectable recipe on an episode of Katie Brown's Workshop. It intrigued me because it had cream cheese in it, which I had never heard of in a pecan pie before. I went to the store and picked up all of the ingredients {but did cheat and…