Springtime in Quarantine

How are you holding up? This is such a surreal time in our lives, but I hope you are adjusting to your new normal whatever that may be.

At our house, we are all currently in a seven day quarantine because poor little Fletcher developed a cough over Easter weekend. He seems to be doing okay, no fever or breathing difficulties. Just a rough cough that has made a few nights less than ideal.

Having all four kids at home and trying to manage schoolwork for the older ones (plus their google meets and zoom sessions) while tending to the little ones has been my biggest challenge.

I know others have much more difficult challenges, however, so whenever I start getting discouraged I remind myself of that.

There are health care professionals who can’t even see their families or hug their kids. People are losing loved ones to this illness on a daily basis and others are having to cope with the illness themselves. Many are unemployed or without childcare.

There is so much heartbreak and trouble going on in the world around us right now so I try to keep peace in my heart as I go through my day mostly unscathed. There may be dishes piled up, laundry for days, toys literally everywhere and always someone asking for a snack, but we are all here, safe and secure and able to still find humor and love in most situations.

I have even snuck in some time to work on art (when my husband has been stuck at home for the quarantined days), and Hazel and I have been learning the art of needle felting. She made this cute mushroom.

God has been working on my heart and drawing me closer to him through this whole process. And helping me foster that relationship in my children’s lives. They have been eager to read Bible stories and learn about Jesus especially with Easter just passing. They have even spent some of their free time reading the Bible to one another. What they may end up falling behind on in math and other studies will be more than made up for in spiritual growth.

I think that may be the best thing about this whole pandemic situation. It truly has made many of us pause and refocus. Spending time with family, not being in such a hurry to get here and get there, learning to live with the basics, it all can teach us so much. If we are able to see it that way.

When not quarantined to the house, I have been making sure to spend as much time outside as possible within the confines of our yard and neighborhood. We discovered a walking trail nearby which was exciting.

If you have the ability to get out and enjoy some fresh air, I highly recommend it! It rejeuninated my mind and gave me some good excerise (which I have been needing! Anyone else eating way to much these days?! Between that and baking comfort foods on a regular basis, I am going to be in real trouble when this thing is over).

Please let me know how you are coping during this time and also if there is anything you need prayer for. I will be sure to lift you up and ask for God’s grace and favor in your life. Please be well and safe and take good care of yourself!

Till next time…