Angels Among Us

“Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” Hebrews 13:2


Do you ever wonder if angels walk amongst us? Perhaps their wings and halos aren’t as apparent as we have been lead to believe.


Maybe they are bedraggled…dirty…with wrinkled faces and missing teeth. A strange thought?



A couple of weeks back, when Josh and I were headed to the cemetery {see here}, we drove downtown to get cappuccinos from our favorite coffee shop. It was rush hour and the road was packed…no where to park. Josh asked if I would get out and order and he would drive around and pick me up.

I cringed when he asked. {For those of you who don’t know me well…this is not something I would jump at the chance to do. I am not very comfortable doing things that involve crowds and chaos on my own.} But as cars started filing behind us, I reluctantly got out of the car.

I quickly made my way inside and was delighted to find no line. I asked the barista for two cappuccinos and stood waiting as she made them.

A few moments later, I noticed a figure approaching me. The first thought that came to my mind was “homeless,” I am ashamed to admit. I stood at an angle so that our eyes wouldn’t meet…as if I hadn’t even noticed him at all.

He got closer.

I could feel him behind me. He began to cough for a few moments…a serious cough. I began to hear a voice…telling me to turn…smile. I didn’t want to. I prayed silently for him and his cough. And then feeling the urge stronger, I turned and gave a rather awkward smile being sure to look him in the eyes. He smiled too. I turned back to the barista wondering if she would be done soon…but you know how it goes with good coffee…it takes awhile.

I heard this man start to speak. “You have a dimple,” he said with a beaming grin.

“Do I?” I asked with a coy smile.

“That means an angel poked your face.”

I immediately began to laugh…and felt my reservations melting away. I told him I had never heard that one before. He said he had a dimple…quite a few in fact. “I am not at my best,” with a bit of a frown. {Okay here is the part that I wish I could insert some amazing consolation that I offered him….but all that came was a brief glance in his eyes and pursed smile.} We went on to make small talk about lattes vs. regular coffee, he asked the barista for $2.00 worth of cake, and we stood together all the while smiling.

My cappuccinos were ready. I turned to him and said, “I hope you have a good day,” again with a smile. He said the same and as I turned back, the line behind me had grown to the door. I hadn’t even noticed. I walked around the crowd, out the door, and into the car waiting for me.

“Thanks for getting the coffee and sorry for making you go in,” Josh said as I got in.

“It’s okay. I think I was supposed to.”


I tossed and turned that night…thinking of all the things I should have done. Asked him his name. Paid for his cake. Paid for a meal? Oh why didn’t I think of these things when I was there with him? Why was I so afraid…so awkward? I prayed for him that night…and the next…and the next. Hoping and wondering…could God use just a smile? Could that ever be enough?

Then I remembered the mustard seed and knew the answer. Perhaps he wasn’t an angel after all…perhaps he was just an ordinary homeless man in a coffee shop who needed a smile. Next time maybe I will be able to offer more…but even if a smile is all you have…it is a wonderful gift to offer…


“Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:40

Till next time…



  • Marian/Dutchy

    Alice, a smile can be worth more than a coffee 🙂
    A smile can heal a wounded heart, or a hurt soul.
    A smile can lift someones spirit
    A smile can work wonders on a sad day.
    A smile is worth a million to some.
    A smile can lift some loneliness .
    A smile is free.
    Many many hugs and thank you for the beautiful story and the pretty Angel pictures.
    Hugs and a smile from across the ocean.

  • Sandra Boothman

    Oh Alice, What a beautiful story! I am sure you touched that person in ways you may never know this side of heaven. May we all make a difference in someones life today by a small kindness!! God bless !

  • Sheila R

    A smile and gentle words can lift the spirit and make someone’s day. Maybe you were his angel sent from God. Small random acts of kindness are so powerful. I ought to know, you do them so well!
    God Bless!

  • sharon

    I’m thinking this gentle man wasn’t put there for you to help him. I’m thinking God put him there to help you. You didn’t notice the crowd filling the shop as you stood there talking to him. I’m thinking he WAS an angel and his mission was to put you at ease and show you there isn’t a need to be afraid….May God continue to Bless you…
    I love this bible verse…I always think of it when I see someone walking down the road in the rain when I want to stop and give them a ride. I never stop because I’m afraid….what if they’re an axe murderer or something…and then after I’ve passed, this verse almost always pops into my head….

  • Recie Sullivan

    God works in mysterious ways. He has truly blessed my life and bestowed miracle after miracle upon my life. I have often weeped while praying to him…….feeling so unworthy only to be blessed time and time again. I feel compelled to share a story…..When my son was only four years old he was hospitalized with a extremely high temperature. He had been diagnosed early on with a severe medical problem. The doctor came in and said he was going to have to have emergency surgery and with his high temp and other problems his recovery looked grim. He gave him only a fifty percent chance of recovering. As he lay in his hospital bed I begin to weep and pray to God to spare his life…. to heal him. His hospital room was not private and another child lay in the other bed in almost the same shape as my son. Earlier tests had shown possible cancer in his intestines. The child’s father heard me weeping and crying ….praying out loud. He walked over to me and told me the Lord told him not to worry about his own child but to pray for mine. As we prayed I felt God like I had never felt him before. The next morning as my son lay recovering from his surgery…yes, recovering…(he had made it through his surgery) the doctor came in shaking his head. He told the father something had happened he could not explain. Tests taken the second time showed no signs of cancer….the black spots were not there. The father wept tears of joy and so did I. I believe God sent this Angel to me. This man obeyed what God told him to do. Yes, I believe angels walk amongst us. God bless you Alice!

  • Leah C

    Oh Alice, how sweet you are! A smile can mean so much…sometimes, it is indeed, just enough. And I think our being kind to others puts a little “angel” in all of us. Thank you, for sharing your story…it really reminds us to be a little kinder, to do a little better:)

  • Violet @Create Beauty

    Thank you for sharing that. A friend of mine keeps a few ziplock bags in her car filled with food and travel size toothpaste etc. to give to homeless people she comes across. I think that is such a good idea! I am sure that man remembers your smile and friendliness. You were a blessing to him. Even though he could have been an angel in a coffee shop. And you know how Monica loved her coffee : ) (“Touched by an Angel” that use to be on. I got tears in my eyes every time she said in her Irish accent. “God loves you!” and the light illuminated her hair. Even though she was just an actress…

  • Lori

    What a wonderful story, Alice! I think you did just the right thing. Sometimes you have to be careful in assuming things about people. One time in Milwaukee, a friend and I were having dinner. There was a homeless-looking man just hanging around by the door. We thought he must be hungry, so we decided to offer him food when we left. He seemed highly offended and refused our offer. So sometimes a smile is all that’s needed. And I agree that it may have been just as much for you as it was for him. ~Lori

  • Lorri

    Many years ago, during a very desperate time in my life. I woke up one morning, cooked the last bit of food in the house. Not knowing what I was going to do, I prayed that God would somehow show me what to do. About an hour later there was a knock on my door. A little lady was standing there, handed me an envelope and told me she had heard I was having a hard time. I thanked her and shut the door. I quickly opened the envelope and there was a $20 bill inside. I opened the front door to thank her again and no one was there. I do beleive in angels, I have seen one!

  • stephenie

    Alice, what a wonderful story.. I think a smile speaks volumes..It always makes things better for me..
    I love all these angel statues..They’re so beautiful…

  • Denise

    oh my gosh…..I am in tears…..what a wonderful story and what a wonderful spirit you have. In this case…..I think you were the angel. God bless you!

  • Tracie~My Petite Maison

    What beautiful photos to go along with your post, Alice. You taking the time to give the gentleman a smile and a moment of conversation was one of the kindest gifts and one that cannot be bought. Have you seen the movie Faraway, So Close! I think you would really like it and all the amazing camera shots.

  • Debbie Keady

    I love when God shows us something about ourselves and others that truly changes us. It’s always when we aren’t expecting it either. I was in a mall recently and I saw a teenager getting tackled by mall security for attempting to shoplift. He was cursing and trying to get free and they were literally sitting on him, pinning him to the floor~it was an ugly scene and people witnessing it were shaken. I wanted to cry. The boy was about my son’s age and I know he needed to be caught but I also felt such a wave of sympathy for him~I wanted to tell him that Someone loves him and wants to help him. I also knew he was some mother’s boy that used to be a baby boy. It touched me so deeply and I wished I could have figured out a way to say something to him.

  • June

    I’m in tears right now after reading this lovely post. You cited my two favorite verses in all the world. I know that angels walk among us and I am truly grateful for it. Tonight you were mine by sharing this story and reminding me that we can all be someone’s angel and that angels can come in all forms.

  • Margaret Bouwmeester

    What a beautiful post, and such a wonderful story. Everyone is right, a smile goes a long way. Sometimes we let our fears override our instincts, letting society get in the way. Your let your heart and your instincts guide you. There are angels amongst us, we just don’t always take the time to see them…..
    Margaret B

  • milli wagoner

    I am sitting here in tears reading your story. Yes, a smile is free and also priceless! You may have been the only person to give this man a smile and a kind word in a long time. I believe God was working for both of you and you both were the angel the other needed!

  • Virginia

    What a beautiful story!
    “We are each of us angels with only one wing. And we can only fly embracing each other.” — Luciano De Crescenzo

  • Cindy

    You have brought tears to my eyes as well. What a beautiful experince, and so well put. You have a way of sharing an everyday experience and really living in that moment. You must have brightened his day more than you know. Thank you for sharing this with all of us.

  • Claudia

    Alice, that story has touched my heart. I have a feeling you both were angels for each other. I know I wrestle with looking away when I see somehow who seems homeless. Why? Because it hits too close to home, it reminds me it could easily be me? Probably. The gift given to you both was seeing each other as fellow human beings. You saw him as a man, not a thing. That is the miracle.

  • Dawn @ The Feathered Nest

    Dear sweet Alice, I know that your kindness must have been wonderful for him, to be kind is like a salve for the soul dear friend ~ moments of kindness are what makes this world go ’round, xxoo, Dawn

  • lorraine lewis

    Your story brought tears to my eyes. How important it is to be aware of all those around us- spreading kindness and smiles.
    I am sure your smile brightened his day.

  • Debbie

    Your story has touched my heart. I do indeed think he was an angel, placed there to comfort you. I love hearing that an angel poked you to give you your dimple. How sweet.

  • ginny

    And when you stand before the Lord at the end of your days, you will be surprised to find out what joy it brought to Him that this act of kindness was given to that homeless man. “whatsoever you do to the least of your brothers you do unto Me.”
    What a great story. I hope you know how much it meant to that man for someone to smile at him.

  • Deryn Mentock

    Or, maybe he was just an ordinary homeless man in a coffee shop who needed a prayer! Sometimes, it’s not what we do during the encounter but after. Lovely photos!

  • Polly

    I’ve only seen your smile through your words but I know God has used THAT smile many times.
    Funny, isn’t it, how God uses a situation that makes us feel week in order to show His strength.
    Many ((hugs)) ~Polly

  • Suzanne

    A great way to start my day…thank you for that story. It is important to share our smiles with those who need it. Lovely post and lovely photographs.

  • Heather ~ Pretty Petals

    I definatly believe that angels walk among us. I think we are meant to learn so many lessons while we walk this earth… some big… and some little…. what a nice reminder of that Alice.
    xo Heather