

Inspired by nature…life…the world outside…all things I have found myself drawn to lately.

Perhaps it began with the computer woes from last week…but I have felt the urge for awhile now…to get back to what’s real…tangible…the scents, the sounds, the curiosity

While blogging is one of my passions, lately I felt it weighing on me a bit…almost as if I am living my life “for my blog” and not the other way around. I find myself traveling to so many inspiring blogs and instead of leaving feeling inspired…I have left feeling down, feeling like everyone else has it “together”…has life the way it “should” be.

In my mind I know this is not the case…and that all of of us only reveal as much as we are comfortable. I ,too, choose not to focus my posts on the less than desirable aspects of life…and focus on the good…the beautiful…the inspiring.

Over time, however, I have come to realize I have sadly neglected my “real” life…and have lost my original inspiration…….life.

Renoir's Bday1

I know that life is a balancing act…and mine has gotten a bit off balance these past few months. Which is why, when the computer incident occurred, {under which normal circumstances I would have felt devastated…terrified…lost…handicapped in some way} now came as a welcome relief.

I was ready to let it go for a bit…and reconnect with life…


Working at home and in a cold climate keeps me indoors for days on end…but last Sunday…Renoir’s birthday {when the computer failed}…I decided to go out…to do something that Renoir would love

Deer at the Park


These photos represent some of what we found that day…


It was very cold out…only about 25 degrees…but there was so much beauty to behold…


So, all of this is to say, that if you find I am away for awhile, or stretches at a time, just know that I am reconnecting and refocusing my priorities. I will still be blogging and will still be visiting all of my favorite spots of course….but without the “pressure” that I had been feeling before…

After all…there are so many adventures waiting to be had out there in this beautiful world of ours…just ask Renoir!

Renoir's Bday2

Till next time…



  • Tracie~My Petite Maison

    Hi Alice,
    I know all too well what you are speaking of in enjoying real “life”. Zeke and I are feeling like you and Renoir ~ longing to be out in the fresh air and taking in each real moment. It’s good to take a breather every now and then and come back anew. Your photos are beautiful and that Renoir… what a beauty!
    Enjoy your time, cher ami!

  • Kerryanne English

    I think what you are feeling Alice is perfectly normal. We all go through these stages periodically and it is good to take a deep breath and reconect with our life or sometimes re-evaluate what is important…. kind of like a spring clean of our lives.
    I hope your walks with the gorgeous Renoir will be the perfect tonic for you.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  • Suzy's Vintage Attic

    Hi Alice, I am new to blogging and have been looking at several blogs since starting up and like you, I sometimes think, they all seem so organized and together with it all. I have also read several saying like you that they do feel under pressure at times with blogging. You are doing the right thing, we sometimes need to take a step back and reconnect with ourselves and what makes us happy again.
    Enjoy your YOU time.
    Isabelle x

  • tiedupmemories

    Alice I totally understand how you feel!I love the photos you took ! So serene and peaceful!We get so overwhelmed with so much creativity that people like ouselves need to take a break sometimes and refresh!Your poochie is so sweet!Wishing you lots of inspiration and and happy thoughts!

  • Lesley

    What beauty you and Renoir found on his birthday! Trying to find the balance in this life can be so very difficult and it does not take much to truly tip the scales so much that everything is thrown asunder. Enjoy this time of reconnecting with family, nature, creativity….you will gain so much strength and insight through this “time for you” that all areas of your life will benefit.
    Much love to you and have fun!!!

  • ginny

    Alice, I feel exactly like that. I lost the use of my computer also. I have been going to the library to use theirs. However, I sort of think of it as a blessing, because, I found myself reading blogs all day, trying to keep up with all those beautiful homes, wanting to do more “crafting” or creating whatever they are all doing and finding myself disappointed that my life is not in sync with women out there. I confess I enjoy reading blogs, but I found out that I need to reconnect to real life as it is around me. Your entry was excellent today. I am sure there are many women out there who can identify with you on this subject.

  • Stephenie

    What a great post. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Your pictures have such a sense of peace… I truly hope everything works out for you… I just love your Renoir, he is just so cute.. Even he looked so peaceful..

  • Stephenie

    What a great post. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Your pictures have such a sense of peace… I truly hope everything works out for you… I just love your Renoir, he is just so cute.. Even he looked so peaceful..

  • milli wagoner

    Hi Alice, even though I don’t have a blog for myself, I do get so caught up in others’ blogs. I truely feel like my day isn’t complete unless I check all these beautiful blogs. I feel a bit overwhelmed at times too, I wonder if or when I will have everything all together and just perfect like so many seem to. I love all these beautiful blogs so much, so much inspiration out there, but at times, I feel the need to step out of blogland and get back to my “real life”, haha! I so understand what you mean. Enjoy your time and enjoy your life! You deserve no less!

  • milli wagoner

    Hi Alice, even though I don’t have a blog for myself, I do get so caught up in others’ blogs. I truely feel like my day isn’t complete unless I check all these beautiful blogs. I feel a bit overwhelmed at times too, I wonder if or when I will have everything all together and just perfect like so many seem to. I love all these beautiful blogs so much, so much inspiration out there, but at times, I feel the need to step out of blogland and get back to my “real life”, haha! I so understand what you mean. Enjoy your time and enjoy your life! You deserve no less!

  • Natasha Burns

    Good for you Alice! I know how you feel ~ while I did feel like my arm was cut off when my computer was being repaired a few weeks ago, I also felt like it was a bit of a blessing. Which is why I have been slow to get back into it, trying to work out a new way to balance. Say hi to Renoir, and take care xo

  • Natasha Burns

    Good for you Alice! I know how you feel ~ while I did feel like my arm was cut off when my computer was being repaired a few weeks ago, I also felt like it was a bit of a blessing. Which is why I have been slow to get back into it, trying to work out a new way to balance. Say hi to Renoir, and take care xo

  • Lori

    I know what you mean. I’ve been down lately, because to keep up with all the wonderful blogs that I love is taking WAY too much of my time. I don’t seem to get anything else done. I haven’t posted much lately. I need to do what you’re doing and refocus my priorities. Nature is a great balancer, and I’m glad you were able to enjoy your day exploring. ~Lori

  • RobinfromCA

    Hi Alice, Yours is the second post I’ve read this week like this. I can see where it would become completely time consuming and I’ve wondered where everyone gets so much time to blog every day and have so many pictures ready to go. I can only manage maybe twice a week. I’m glad you’re taking some time for what’s really important. It looks as if Renoir is happy too!

  • RobinfromCA

    Hi Alice, Yours is the second post I’ve read this week like this. I can see where it would become completely time consuming and I’ve wondered where everyone gets so much time to blog every day and have so many pictures ready to go. I can only manage maybe twice a week. I’m glad you’re taking some time for what’s really important. It looks as if Renoir is happy too!

  • Shana

    Such wonderful photos.
    I too feel like you sometimes. Somedays I love blogging and visiting others’ blogs but other times it just seems like another thing to check off on my already too long to do list. Although when I stop for awhile, I do begin to miss it. Go figure. Guess both of just just have to work on balancing life with work.

  • Shana

    Such wonderful photos.
    I too feel like you sometimes. Somedays I love blogging and visiting others’ blogs but other times it just seems like another thing to check off on my already too long to do list. Although when I stop for awhile, I do begin to miss it. Go figure. Guess both of just just have to work on balancing life with work.

  • debi

    Oh, Alice. You made me smile. I came here to see wondrous “stuff & goodies”, your blog being one of those I consider to be so put together. 🙂 I have been blaming MY mood, my lack of inspiration, on spring fever, the passing of a close friend, this & that & everything else. There is nothing better than time with flowers, with pets, with the stars, to re-align one’s priorities. And so I will do what I cam here to do. Which is to add you to my very short list of Lovely Ooohs & Aaas – a new blog roll I am adding for. Places I visit to ooh & aaah.
    Take care. And happy birthday Renoir!

  • debi

    Oh, Alice. You made me smile. I came here to see wondrous “stuff & goodies”, your blog being one of those I consider to be so put together. 🙂 I have been blaming MY mood, my lack of inspiration, on spring fever, the passing of a close friend, this & that & everything else. There is nothing better than time with flowers, with pets, with the stars, to re-align one’s priorities. And so I will do what I cam here to do. Which is to add you to my very short list of Lovely Ooohs & Aaas – a new blog roll I am adding for. Places I visit to ooh & aaah.
    Take care. And happy birthday Renoir!

  • Janet Bernasconi

    Hi Alice,
    I totally understand how you feel. I think we all need time to regenerate and just take a break in general. So much negative going on in the world as it is. It’s important to stay strong and positive and never give up hope. I have alot of faith in God and trust that when times are tough he will get me through it all.
    I just love all the pictures you posted. Renoir is adorable. Thanks for sharing. Your blog is lovely as always and I always look forward to your latest creations.
    Have a wonderful day,
    Janet’s Creative Pillows

  • Janet Bernasconi

    Hi Alice,
    I totally understand how you feel. I think we all need time to regenerate and just take a break in general. So much negative going on in the world as it is. It’s important to stay strong and positive and never give up hope. I have alot of faith in God and trust that when times are tough he will get me through it all.
    I just love all the pictures you posted. Renoir is adorable. Thanks for sharing. Your blog is lovely as always and I always look forward to your latest creations.
    Have a wonderful day,
    Janet’s Creative Pillows

  • Heather ~ Pretty Petals

    Alice, this is a beautiful post… and SO true. Your photos are gorgeous…. and your words are from the heart. Just know that as for me and my blog… we don’t have it all together!!!!! hahahah FAR from it. I suppose we all only share things that are rosey colored but I OFTEN find myself frustrated with keeping up and have felt many of these same feelings.
    I think those of us that run online businesses… the blogging is our hobby but often goes hand in hand with our business. That is sometimes what makes it a bit overwhelming for me. Having to manage the two requires alot of hours.
    I guess just like all things in life… if we do it in moderation it will not consume us… but it is having that self discipline to divide up our time that can be challenging.
    xoxo heather
    p.s.- sorry I asked you about the swap!! I didn’t realize you were feeling like this… and then I probably added more stress to you!!

  • Heather ~ Pretty Petals

    Alice, this is a beautiful post… and SO true. Your photos are gorgeous…. and your words are from the heart. Just know that as for me and my blog… we don’t have it all together!!!!! hahahah FAR from it. I suppose we all only share things that are rosey colored but I OFTEN find myself frustrated with keeping up and have felt many of these same feelings.
    I think those of us that run online businesses… the blogging is our hobby but often goes hand in hand with our business. That is sometimes what makes it a bit overwhelming for me. Having to manage the two requires alot of hours.
    I guess just like all things in life… if we do it in moderation it will not consume us… but it is having that self discipline to divide up our time that can be challenging.
    xoxo heather
    p.s.- sorry I asked you about the swap!! I didn’t realize you were feeling like this… and then I probably added more stress to you!!

  • cielo

    Dear Alice…. There are places no one knows: Our own hearts. They’re the quiet sentinel of every true feeling. People can always pretend to have the perfect life, but really, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle…. No exceptions… Is only from the “Great I am” from whom we cannot hide… so look up, look up, and let your faith continually increase….

  • cielo

    Dear Alice…. There are places no one knows: Our own hearts. They’re the quiet sentinel of every true feeling. People can always pretend to have the perfect life, but really, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle…. No exceptions… Is only from the “Great I am” from whom we cannot hide… so look up, look up, and let your faith continually increase….

  • Dru Cabral

    I’m a little late reading this, but the content caught my eye as I have been feeling the same. I look at all these beautiful blogs – yours definitely included and it does look like you all have it together but me. I’m fairly new to the blog world, have opened 3 online shops, work at getting published, work in our family business and work for an ortho clinic here in town, along with selling wholesale to only 1 shop – I always feel like I’m being pulled and the one thing I have recently learned is that I must get away from it at times and just breathe in life outside my studio, etc. I hope someday I will have it together as you and these many others – honestly it is encourageing to know that everyone has these moments and thoughts, and as I can see from your most recent post, you are feeling better – I’m so glad, take care.

  • Dru Cabral

    I’m a little late reading this, but the content caught my eye as I have been feeling the same. I look at all these beautiful blogs – yours definitely included and it does look like you all have it together but me. I’m fairly new to the blog world, have opened 3 online shops, work at getting published, work in our family business and work for an ortho clinic here in town, along with selling wholesale to only 1 shop – I always feel like I’m being pulled and the one thing I have recently learned is that I must get away from it at times and just breathe in life outside my studio, etc. I hope someday I will have it together as you and these many others – honestly it is encourageing to know that everyone has these moments and thoughts, and as I can see from your most recent post, you are feeling better – I’m so glad, take care.

  • kelly

    hey there!
    you know I had not yet read this post of yours, and I tell ya you have hit it right on with your thoughts…..I had felt the same way…..almost like I was a failure….and had really refrained from blogging…..I had time to gather my thoughts and my heart and learn that I need to tak a step back if it seems too overwhelming….and that I was reading about living but not *living* in itself!! what a great post!! thank you for sharing….love ya much!!!

  • kelly

    hey there!
    you know I had not yet read this post of yours, and I tell ya you have hit it right on with your thoughts…..I had felt the same way…..almost like I was a failure….and had really refrained from blogging…..I had time to gather my thoughts and my heart and learn that I need to tak a step back if it seems too overwhelming….and that I was reading about living but not *living* in itself!! what a great post!! thank you for sharing….love ya much!!!

  • Lizzie

    you are not alone in this. i usually dive into my blog 100% for a week then take a week off (from commenting mostly) i have to or i would go crazy. i could never keep up ALL the time. yes it’s true: Stop and smell the roses! 🙂

  • Lizzie

    you are not alone in this. i usually dive into my blog 100% for a week then take a week off (from commenting mostly) i have to or i would go crazy. i could never keep up ALL the time. yes it’s true: Stop and smell the roses! 🙂

  • Jill

    I came here from Lesley’s blog and glad I did–I know what you mean and evidently a lot of others do to!! Easy to start living “elsewhere” than in the reality of the sweetness of your own space, mind, and family. I find that when I focus back to reality, it is so sweet again even with the piles of laundry and dirty dishes and projects undone. I live in the cold winter climate and stay home with kids and honestly don’t leave for days at a time either. That is where this blog world has been such a blessing for me, but I really have to work at keeping it in it’s place. My best to you, (and your blog is very BEAUTIFUL!)

  • Jill

    I came here from Lesley’s blog and glad I did–I know what you mean and evidently a lot of others do to!! Easy to start living “elsewhere” than in the reality of the sweetness of your own space, mind, and family. I find that when I focus back to reality, it is so sweet again even with the piles of laundry and dirty dishes and projects undone. I live in the cold winter climate and stay home with kids and honestly don’t leave for days at a time either. That is where this blog world has been such a blessing for me, but I really have to work at keeping it in it’s place. My best to you, (and your blog is very BEAUTIFUL!)