

First of all…I must say thank you…a heartfelt thank you…to all of you who left such encouraging and uplifting comments on my last post. And thank you to all of the wonderful women who emailed me to tell me you feel the same…and for reminding me that I am not alone! I hope that by sharing my experiences it can help remind us all that we are all in this together…it’s not a race or a contest…we each have gifts and abilities…and should remember when visiting others that it in no way diminishes our creativity or ideas…or means that “everyone else has it all together”…we are all in the same boat!

These past couple of weeks have been so refreshing for me because of such realizations and spending time reconnecting with my own muse. I have actually started tackling a huge project that I have meant to work on for about a year now {yikes!}…that being the organization and cleaning out of my studio. It is a large room {the master bedroom of our townhouse} and is filled to overflowing with supplies, would be projects, decor that has moved from the main living areas, and just general junk! I am about a third of the way through it and look forward to creating in my fresh clean space very soon. In the meantime, I have taken over the dining table for the past couple of months…and here are a few of the projects I came up with there…using items I found at arms reach…{our dining room is loaded now too!}

I have had nests on my mind…the one in the photos here is an abandoned nest that Josh pulled out of a tree for me last week..the same day we went on our “exploring excursion” for Renoir’s birthday. It is my first “real” nest…and is so precious. The intricate work that goes into these inspired some of my latest work. One day while looking at my collection of vintage crochet thread balls, I came up with idea to turn them into “nest baskets”…this one is my favorite…in shades of white…simple…natural…


This design spurned on more thread spool “nests” in the same color palette. I was delighted to find in my collection of vintage thread spools, these natural white ones…


I also decided to play with color for a few…while the majority of my aesthetic is of a more neutral palette, I can’t help but smile when I look at this one….I love the mixture of the yellow with a splash of red and the pale blue…


And green and pink have always been a favorite color combination of mine…with lots of vintage embellishments…


All of these “nesting” creations can be found in the shop! I hope you enjoy!

I have been working on a few other projects as well…getting some digital collage sheets created with my own personal ephemera and graphics. Being a web designer I am constantly adding to my collection of vintage ephemera, scanned in items, and cut outs from my own photographs. So these sheets are filled with rare items {not images you could find elsewhere for free on the internet like so many collage sheets I see for sale} and a lot of time goes into their creation so you are sure to get the best. They are filled with some of my favorite images and graphics and are currently available for use in personal art projects as well as art for sale {but not digital works or designs – I do have plans in the works to get some digital graphics added soon {with commercial use available} so be checking for those if you are interested in digital scrapbooking, or graphic, blog, or web designing}. Visit our Digital Studio to see the latest additions!

I have also listed a couple of Easter/spring themed blog banners…so if you like to switch things up for the holidays stop by to check them out!

Till next time…



  • Sandi

    You are sooooo creative! I love your little nest with eggs on the spools! Too cute! And I hear you with stuff everywhere. I move things out of one room into another and then have to start over in that room! LOL It is a vicious cycle! LOL

  • Debbykay

    Love your ideas for little nests! How perfect for spring! I, too, am always trying to figure out how to keep stuff organized and get back to projects (or started with all the ideas in my head!)!
    Happy spring and beautiful inspirations from life around you!
    Rose Cottage Gardens and Farm

  • Stephenie

    I just love all your creative nests.. They are just so beautiful.. I just love all the pretty colors you used. Actually, I can’t even decide which is my favorite, because they are all so pretty….

  • RobinfromCA

    I love all of those nests! The yellow and pink ones really speak to me and I have been telling myself that I have enough boxes of Easter things!
    Stay happy!

  • Suzy's Vintage Attic

    Good luck with sorting out your studio, you will feel a huge sense of satisfaction when finished. I too am in the middle of a big sort out and look forward to the finished result. It will feel like a fresh start! Your eggs are simply beautiful.
    Have a great weekend!
    Isabelle x

  • Lesley

    Love the nests Alice! Last night I went home and made my list of items to do in my studio as well so this weekend I tackle that project. *S*

  • Christine D

    I am just in love with your nests–how beautiful and unique!! I was “blog-hopping” one evening and I am so thrilled I came across your blog! You are such a wonderful and positive inspiration, keep it up!!:0) Oh-and I love the pictures in your last post, especially the fifth one. Awesome use of Bokeh!!

  • Rosanna Pereyra

    The nests are so beautiful. I especially liked the ones where you used my favorite combo of blue, cream and brown. Congratulations on tackling that spring cleaning as well!! I finished my studio last week and started on the house. My creative energy just flows better in a clean space. Keep up the wonderful work!

  • Ali at Betty & Violet

    It all looks so beautiful…restful, calm colours. The little nests made from your thread spools are delightful ~ you are so original in your creations and I love looking at all of them.
    Me too ~ trying to clear out my work area, sometimes it seems so daunting to even start tidying up, but like you feel the need to have a sort out in order to start creating again!
    I look forward to seeing more…

  • Ali at Betty & Violet

    It all looks so beautiful…restful, calm colours. The little nests made from your thread spools are delightful ~ you are so original in your creations and I love looking at all of them.
    Me too ~ trying to clear out my work area, sometimes it seems so daunting to even start tidying up, but like you feel the need to have a sort out in order to start creating again!
    I look forward to seeing more…