Romantic Inspiration…

Pitcher of Roses

Recently, I have been spending a lot of time looking through photos from the past couple of years…with new eyes. I often don’t look through these, since many were taken with our older camera {that I often complained about} or before I got the groove of the new one. With a fresh set of eyes…and a vintage touch of editing…they have been given a new life…

I thought I would share some random romantic inspiration found in these here with you…

Our bedroom…

Bedroom Vanity

Madai’s glittered banner draped on the first birthday gift given to me by my beloved…

Dream Banner

The tiara I wore on our wedding day…

Wedding Tiara

Old postcards are often found scattered about our home…

Vintage Postcards (2)

My favorite pale pink roses…I have received these{and purchased them for myself} many times…

Pale Pink Roses 2 (2)

Pale Pink Roses

Roses and Reading (2)

and who doesn’t love white roses?

White Roses

My grandparent’s dining room chandelier, handed down to me, illuminates and adorns our kitchen…

Kitchen Chandelier

A favorite set of charming antique canisters…

Antique Canisters

Chambord liqueur bottles in the dining room…

Chamboard Bottles

Teacup Cloche

My favorite teacups…with a lovely token from Dawn

Favorite Teacups

more vintage beauty from Dawn

Vintage Lace

Decorated Envelope

I hope you enjoyed these bits of random romance, as much as enjoyed sharing them with you…

Till next time…
