the romantics


For years, I have dreamed of one day being featured in the highly coveted annual feature in Romantic Homes of women who inspire…

this being of course, The Romantics

Never actually thinking it would happen, you can imagine my surprise and delight when I was approached by them a few months back about being included in this February's issue.

I had to write a short essay on how I live my life romantically as well as summing up in one sentence the most romantic thing that I have ever done.

Oh the pressure!

But I enjoyed every minute…and was even more thrilled when I discovered that it had come out {thanks to you wonderful blogging Ladies who keep me up to date on things}…

Romantic Homes Feature

There are several other wonderful women featured as well, so you must go get a copy if you haven't yet…I insist 🙂

In other news, I also had an article come out in the Winter 2011 issue of Somerset Life featuring my lavender sachet cones, also now available on news stands.


I purchased a lovely bouquet of dried lavender sprigs on Etsy to inspire me as I wrote…


Lavender Sachet by Alice W.

For those of you who pick up these magazines, I sincerely hope that you are inspired and enjoy the articles…

Till next time…
