Rustic Valentine’s Love Banner {No-Sew DIY}

Today, I have super easy DIY tutorial for Valentine’s Day. I whipped up this banner pretty quickly. Although, I had in mind to make it last year…just never got around to it. Seems I am getting around to a lot more these days.

Supplies you will need (if you want it to look just like mine…but you could always experiment with materials.):

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Jute upholstery webbing
with red stripes (I got mine at Jo-Ann’s but you can order it online as well)
-Scrabble tiles spelling out L-O-V-E (check Etsy and eBay)
I started by cutting four pieces of webbing in strips of 7″ and then folded each in half.
I cut on the folded side about 2 inches from the bottom to the opposite bottom corner. Make sure you cut downward starting on the folded side 🙂
When you are done, you will end up with four small triangles. You could throw these away…or if you are like me, you might think of an idea you could make with them?
I have such a problem throwing anything away. (I can hear the voice in my head….hoarder…) 
But I might seriously turn this into a little banner for the playroom…
Next, I cut four feet of jute twine (cut more if you need it depending on where you plan to hang the banner).
Then I took the main banner pieces and flipped them over. I folded over the top about an inch down and tucked the twine inside. I wanted to make each piece of the banner movable on the twine, which is why this step is key.
I then put a line of glue below the twine and pushed down the top folder over piece onto it. I did this for all four by using the first one to measure how far to fold over.
Now you have the basic banner done. If yours is curled like mine, it is best to iron it flat at this point.
Now…to cut out the hearts. I used red felt (in all honestly because it was right next to my studio table and when I was creating this, and it just seemed to work). I made a simple half heart pattern piece that I pinned to folded felt. And simply cut out four hearts. You may need to do some fine tuning to get them looking “perfect” after using the template.
Next step, I glued each heart in place on the banner strips (eyeing each one as I did it, to make sure they lined up with the previous ones.
You could be done at this point if you wanted to. It’s cute and simple and perfect for Valentine’s day as is.
Or you could make more banner strips and alternate red, white and pink felt hearts. That would probably be pretty cute too. I think my daughter Hazel would love it. She has a thing for hearts and all things pink.
I decided to add the Scrabble tiles, so I simply glued them to the center of each heart.
And voila! Hang up and enjoy 🙂
Happy Valentine’s Day!
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Till next time…
~Alice W.
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