• A Trip to Anthropologie

    Now that we have moved from a rural small town to a large suburb, I am close to all sorts of conveniences that I wasn’t before. Shopping centers galore, every kind of restaurant you could imagine, and a huge mall. One place in the mall, that I have waited years to visit, is a brick and mortar Anthropologie. I certainly could have gotten myself there sooner (it was about 45 minutes away before), but I only made my first visit after moving to our new home. It’s now only about 10 minutes away. Josh and I had a little date night last weekend, and he took me there again where…

  • 5 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues (at Home)

    Does the time after the holiday season ever get you feeling blue? It does for me. It’s like the bottom falls out after New Year’s and I just don’t know what to do with myself. I miss the music on the radio, the movies on TV, the lights around town. All of the decorations, the magic, the wonder of Christmas is suddenly gone. And we are stuck knee deep in the thick of winter and the long, gray days of…………blah. Well, maybe it’s just because I live outside of Rochester, NY where the sky doesn’t turn blue again until late spring and the snow has been known to stick around through…

  • Minimalist Bohemian Home Office

    Last week, I showed you guys our bonus room staged to sell. It has long been our over-cluttered-death-trap of a playroom covered in toys. My computer desk and office supplies were crammed in the corner. When it came time to sell, I knew that had to change. I went for a minimalist boho vibe to keep it simple yet retain personal style. In our next home (take the tour here), I hope to keep the same style and limit the clutter. Today, I have pulled together a source list with a similar look from my affiliate links*. Click on the links or any of the images below to be taken…

  • Home Office & Multipurpose Room Staging

    I am so excited to start showing you our home staged to sell! If you missed my first post about how we sold our home be sure to head back here to read that. I have many rooms to show and tips and tricks to share with you. We were blessed to sell our home to the first person who saw it and over list price. The weeks leading up to selling, we were busy painting, cleaning, decluttering and researching how best to stage a home to sell. Today, I am taking you guys into our office and multi-purpose room. This room has mostly been a playroom and office for…

  • Balancing Motherhood & DIY Blogging

    The two most time consuming jobs I have ever had are as a mother and a blogger. And both pay the least. Go figure. But somehow I still love both roles enough to keep doing them. Okay, okay…well the first one is a full on heart commitment, right? Even on the roughest of days. The other, I could let go by the wayside if I wanted to, and yet somehow I don’t. I keep trucking on as a mother and a blogger and try to strike a balance between the two. It’s tough though…I’m not gonna lie. Today, I am sharing how I manage to make it work… So let’s…

  • Sticks and Stones: Dealing with the Ugly Side of Social Media as a Blogger and Person of Faith

    If you are a blogger, designer, or creative type who puts yourself out there on the internet, you may have had a negative run in or two (or three, or four…) on social media. Most of us have. It is “to be expected.” Normal. Happens all the time. Something to “get over.” But what if you can’t? What if the hurtful words cut deep? How can we manage to keep our self-worth and value in tact while subjecting ourselves to the possibility of rudeness and ridicule? A painful Facebook experience that happened to me a couple of weeks ago, left me contemplating this blog and what I am doing here.…