• the darkest days

    Sunday marked 30 weeks for me in this pregnancy. To the average pregnant woman this probably wouldn't mean much other than that she has about 10 week left. But for me…it means a lot more. It marks a frightening time in my life…when the unexpected could (and did) happen. My pregnancy with Hazel was pretty near perfect I thought. I ate healthy, did pregnancy yoga, read lots of books and articles, even hired a doula to make sure that I was as prepared as could be come delivery day. But all of that didn't matter. At 30 weeks and four days, I began to have contractions with back pain. I knew that…

  • the ups and downs of hazel days…

    Hazel is growing so fast…it is hard to believe she is almost 7 months old already. {5 months adjusted for being premature} Life is full of her laughter, sweet smiles, soft spoken ramblings… {and high pitched screams when she is testing out her voice} She can hold her head up on her own now, enjoys books and grasping toys. She is infatuated with the iPad {and TV, unfortunately, if she can find it within her sight}.  She loves her hands. and just recently discovered her feet. She sleeps through the night now {for the most part}, but has started the dreaded stage of teething. She takes regular naps and is…