• Minimalist Bohemian Home Office

    Last week, I showed you guys our bonus room staged to sell. It has long been our over-cluttered-death-trap of a playroom covered in toys. My computer desk and office supplies were crammed in the corner. When it came time to sell, I knew that had to change. I went for a minimalist boho vibe to keep it simple yet retain personal style. In our next home (take the tour here), I hope to keep the same style and limit the clutter. Today, I have pulled together a source list with a similar look from my affiliate links*. Click on the links or any of the images below to be taken…

  • Home Office & Multipurpose Room Staging

    I am so excited to start showing you our home staged to sell! If you missed my first post about how we sold our home be sure to head back here to read that. I have many rooms to show and tips and tricks to share with you. We were blessed to sell our home to the first person who saw it and over list price. The weeks leading up to selling, we were busy painting, cleaning, decluttering and researching how best to stage a home to sell. Today, I am taking you guys into our office and multi-purpose room. This room has mostly been a playroom and office for…

  • Our Next Home

    If you missed my post on Monday, I shared some exciting (albeit bittersweet) news that we sold our home. In that post, I gave a tour of our current home, staged to sell, and today, I am giving you a glimpse into our next place! When we began our journey into finding our second home, I had no idea what we would end up with, but at that time I thought perhaps a large old farmhouse with tons of space and acreage. After a long while of looking and seeing many different types of homes in our budget, my preferences were narrowed down quite a bit. With three young children,…

  • We Sold Our House!

    So, we actually did it. We sold our home! After living in this two bedroom, humble colonial for seven years, we took the plunge and put it on the market. Surprisingly, it sold within the first weekend, to the first showing and above list price. More about that coming soon including how I staged it myself on the cheap. The decision to sell has been in the works for years. It probably started around the time Owen was a toddler. The two bedroom thing was starting to become an issue. Eventually we made it work by switching out the master to make it the kids’ shared bedroom. And then Violet…

  • Owen’s Avengers Superhero Birthday Party

    This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a small commission for any sales made through them. Full disclosure. I started this post about my little man, Owen’s, Avengers’ themed birthday party before Violet was born last fall! And as life goes…it just sat in my “drafts” waiting to be published. He will be turning five this coming September so I figured I better get this post out there before the next one rolls around. In fact we just celebrated Hazel’s 6th birthday on Saturday and had a fun horse themed party. Hopefully I will get that one posted here before she turns seven! I think he started planning his…

  • 6 months of Violet

    It’s hard to believe our little Violet passed the six month point..but here we are. In fact, she just turned 7 months yesterday and I totally missed it! Mom brain to the fullest these days. It’s probably because I have two others to tend to at the same time, but this seems like the fastest growing baby ever. I wish I could just slow down the clock… How could she possibly go from this: to this: in the blink of an eye? We are all enjoying watching her grow and learn new things every day. Life is full! Our house is sold and we are putting our first offer in for…