Farewell Dear Spring…

Spring Table

With the month of June just around the corner and the warmth of the sun getting stronger each day…it seems that our beloved spring will soon be on it’s way…not to visit us again until next year.

In a way…it is bittersweet.

While I do enjoy lazy summer days, spring always seems too short lived. Spring represents so many things to us…rebirth of the earth, regrowth of plants and flowers, refreshing our homes with the yearly overhaul that is spring cleaning…

In a word…spring represents change. And for me…this year’s spring has brought many changes…

Spring Bouquet 2

My business has changed…dramatically. With my ongoing computer woes, I have had to make many changes on how I spend my days and strive to earn money. I can’t currently rely on my design work as my main source of income, which has been quite a challenge…but this has also brought positive change. I have been able to refocus on other aspects of my creativity {jewelry, artwork, etc.} and find new product lines to bring to my wonderful customers. And while money has been very tight…I have been learning how to live with and enjoy {the key!} what I have…

Spring Nest

This change has also given me more time to focus on my home…decluttering, rearranging, organizing and creating a more peaceful atmosphere. It is amazing how much joy you can find in a nicely organized closet or laundry room. With a fresh new look in the living room and dining area I am able to see my things with new eyes…and remember how much I love my home. And it has been so lovely to actually be able to sit and dine at the table…no more couch meals!

I have also been renewed in my spirit to seek out God in the every day…and realize that he was right here all along…when I wasn’t paying attention and just wallowing in my own selfish desires. There is so much beauty in this world…but I had been forgetting to notice it…focused on all the “what if’s”, on the things I don’t have, on myself…and my needs only…

Spring Bouquet 3

I have been able to start paying attention to what I put into my body…eating healthier…waking up early {as opposed to sleeping the morning away as I had previously done} to drink herbal tea instead of the coffee that I would load up with cream and sugar. Eating fresh market vegetables and fruits {as opposed to only sugar, bread products, and processed foods} And the difference? I feel lighter…{and actually lost 4 lbs!}, feel renewed in my mind, open to possibilities, am finding contentment in where I am…and all because of some simple changes to my diet…

Spring Bouquet 1

Another refreshing change, is the time that I have been spending with my soulmate…remembering how much I love him…and reveling in his love for me. It is so easy to always think the grass will be greener one day…”when we have a house, a baby, a yard, more money, etc, etc. etc.” and forget to enjoy these precious moments that will quickly be gone.

I am holding his hand again. Loving his company. Flirting. And stepping away from negative talk to find sweet words flowing out of my lips in its place.

So this has certainly been a season of change for me. And one that will be carried with me throughout the year…and beyond.

Some blog specific changes to share…I have been overwhelmed with all of the new readers here…and am so thankful for each and every one of you. I wish I could visit you all and tell you my thoughts, but if I did…I think that would turn into a full time career. I do want to thank all of you that come and take the time to leave your precious words here. They really do brighten my day and give me something to look forward to. Some of you may have noticed I am posting less frequently…and this may be the case for a time…I have many other things I am tending to…but I will still be here…sharing my thoughts. I have not been able to visit your beautiful blogs in so long with all of these changes, and sometimes I feel sad inside knowing there is so much inspiration you are putting out there that I am missing…but hopefully over time I will be able to schedule in more room for that. I do hope you understand and know that I am cherishing the words you leave for me.


And just for fun…look who else has had a big change just in time for summer…

Renoir's Summer Haircut

{Although, he isn’t embracing it as well as I have been striving to with all of my changes ;)}

If you have read this all…thank you…and I am sorry for getting so long winded…guess it has been awhile!

{Oh and I almost forgot! Tomorrow is the second anniversary of my days in blogland…so a giveaway will be just around the corner!}

Till next time…



  • Margaret Bouwmeester

    Dear Alice, yes life can be a challenge some days!! I know how it feels to need to take time and regroup!! I think I need to do that, you are so right, blogging takes over our lives! I love to see everyones blogs, but I am falling behind on so many things, I to need to step back, maybe it’s the end of spring that makes us feel so….
    I hope that all works out for you, wish I could win the lottery, I would go around and buy everything from all my blog artist friends!!!
    Take the time you need to catch up and rest!
    Margaret B

  • Tracie~My Petite Maison

    Oh Alice, I really loved this post. Thank you! I have been feeling quite the same these last days of Spring. It’s so good to be in the moment and cherish what you have at that second in time ~ soulmate, faith, furry friends and just being quiet too. Enjoy your time, it’s good you’re savoring it, sweet friend.
    Renoir, you look gorgeous as ever – I hear short hair’s “in”.

  • Tracie~My Petite Maison

    Oh Alice, I really loved this post. Thank you! I have been feeling quite the same these last days of Spring. It’s so good to be in the moment and cherish what you have at that second in time ~ soulmate, faith, furry friends and just being quiet too. Enjoy your time, it’s good you’re savoring it, sweet friend.
    Renoir, you look gorgeous as ever – I hear short hair’s “in”.

  • A Romantic Porch

    Bless you sweet one! Your posting is so true. What is the saying…? …life happens while you are making plans. It is true that life will just pass by if you don’t stop and focus on the moments that you have right now. Keep holding hands and flirting…we’re (MR. RP and I) still in love, because we want it that way and work at it. Well it looks like I’m Miss Chatty Cathy, but thanks for the great posting! xorachel

  • A Romantic Porch

    Bless you sweet one! Your posting is so true. What is the saying…? …life happens while you are making plans. It is true that life will just pass by if you don’t stop and focus on the moments that you have right now. Keep holding hands and flirting…we’re (MR. RP and I) still in love, because we want it that way and work at it. Well it looks like I’m Miss Chatty Cathy, but thanks for the great posting! xorachel

  • stephenie

    Spring really does seem to fly by to quick!!! Sometimes in the busy days of life we have the tendency to forget to cherish life and the things we have…
    I bet it feels good creating new things and getting things done around the house…
    I just love Renoirs new do!!!! Looks to cute…
    Such a pretty post!!!!!! I loved it…

  • stephenie

    Spring really does seem to fly by to quick!!! Sometimes in the busy days of life we have the tendency to forget to cherish life and the things we have…
    I bet it feels good creating new things and getting things done around the house…
    I just love Renoirs new do!!!! Looks to cute…
    Such a pretty post!!!!!! I loved it…

  • Sandra Boothman

    Oh Alice,
    You are very wise for one so young! Great food for thought for each and every one of us. I think we tend to get caught up in the fast pace and the routine of every day life until at some point the important things just don’t seem that important anymore when they really still are. I need to work on that too. Thanks for reminding us to step back and focus on what we should!
    Love your photos as always! So pretty!

  • Sandra Boothman

    Oh Alice,
    You are very wise for one so young! Great food for thought for each and every one of us. I think we tend to get caught up in the fast pace and the routine of every day life until at some point the important things just don’t seem that important anymore when they really still are. I need to work on that too. Thanks for reminding us to step back and focus on what we should!
    Love your photos as always! So pretty!

  • Claudia

    Lovely, lovely post – and so true. Sometimes we have to step back and live our lives. Blogging is wonderful (it has been a lifesaver for me while I have been away from home) but it doesn’t replace living..and being…and taking time to be with our loved ones. Bless you, you darling, you are mature beyond your years. Take all the time you need. We will be here when you post again.

  • Claudia

    Lovely, lovely post – and so true. Sometimes we have to step back and live our lives. Blogging is wonderful (it has been a lifesaver for me while I have been away from home) but it doesn’t replace living..and being…and taking time to be with our loved ones. Bless you, you darling, you are mature beyond your years. Take all the time you need. We will be here when you post again.

  • Rebecca

    Alice, thank you for sharing a wonderful message. I too have been feeling a bit like you lately with the same mixed feelings of the passing of spring and the arrival of summer…and the overwhelming pressure “to try and keep up with it all” while the really important things in life are going on right in front of me. We all need a reminder now and then.

  • Rebecca

    Alice, thank you for sharing a wonderful message. I too have been feeling a bit like you lately with the same mixed feelings of the passing of spring and the arrival of summer…and the overwhelming pressure “to try and keep up with it all” while the really important things in life are going on right in front of me. We all need a reminder now and then.

  • Lori

    Alice, I’m so happy for you that you have embraced changes in your lifestyle. I had done the whole healthy eating thing a few years back, and I was feeling great…don’t know why I stopped. Now I feel drained most of the time, and I need to get back to it.
    It sounds like you and your hubby are really enjoying the little things that make your life together special. I love these kinds of stories! ~Lori

  • Lori

    Alice, I’m so happy for you that you have embraced changes in your lifestyle. I had done the whole healthy eating thing a few years back, and I was feeling great…don’t know why I stopped. Now I feel drained most of the time, and I need to get back to it.
    It sounds like you and your hubby are really enjoying the little things that make your life together special. I love these kinds of stories! ~Lori

  • Kerryanne English

    Alice, it seems as though you have had a bit of a ‘spring clean’. We all need that occasionally. I’m glad you are now able to enjoy and appreciate the here and now.
    Renoir looks so handsome. Give him a tickle from Gypsy and I.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  • Kerryanne English

    Alice, it seems as though you have had a bit of a ‘spring clean’. We all need that occasionally. I’m glad you are now able to enjoy and appreciate the here and now.
    Renoir looks so handsome. Give him a tickle from Gypsy and I.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  • June

    Alice it sounds like you are going through a rebirth of sorts yourself. I try hard to take a hard look at myself, my habits, my relationships, and etc, every now and then and try to change what isn’t working for me. Eating healthy is key. Taking care of the bodies God gave us is so important. They are wonderful gifts. I will be thinking of you and hoping that all your dreams come true. (Renoir looks like he’s lost 4 pounds too)Just darling. Hugs, June

  • June

    Alice it sounds like you are going through a rebirth of sorts yourself. I try hard to take a hard look at myself, my habits, my relationships, and etc, every now and then and try to change what isn’t working for me. Eating healthy is key. Taking care of the bodies God gave us is so important. They are wonderful gifts. I will be thinking of you and hoping that all your dreams come true. (Renoir looks like he’s lost 4 pounds too)Just darling. Hugs, June

  • Rosy

    Love your blog. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and changes so honestly. I have to admit I was rather shocked by your baby’s haircut, but hair will grow back in no time at all.

  • Anne Marie

    I whole-heartily agree…and there are so many times that the sun seems brighter and more clear…and it is in those times that my heart rejoices! being happy with what you have and who surrounds you…it is key…
    wonderful post! wonderful….

  • Anne Marie

    I whole-heartily agree…and there are so many times that the sun seems brighter and more clear…and it is in those times that my heart rejoices! being happy with what you have and who surrounds you…it is key…
    wonderful post! wonderful….

  • Sheila R

    Alice, you continue to amaze and inspire me. Yes, life goes too fast… take time to enjoy each moment God gives us.
    God Bless…

  • Sheila R

    Alice, you continue to amaze and inspire me. Yes, life goes too fast… take time to enjoy each moment God gives us.
    God Bless…

  • Cate

    Dear Alice,
    I came across your wonderful blog, and I simply love it! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. I find your posts and artwork (and especially your beautifully taken photographs) very inspiring! Renoir looks handsome 🙂
    Take care,

  • Cate

    Dear Alice,
    I came across your wonderful blog, and I simply love it! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. I find your posts and artwork (and especially your beautifully taken photographs) very inspiring! Renoir looks handsome 🙂
    Take care,

  • Carolyn

    Love your take on life and your insightful thoughts and appreciations of life, most very similar to my own xx Have a lovely weekend!

  • Carolyn

    Love your take on life and your insightful thoughts and appreciations of life, most very similar to my own xx Have a lovely weekend!

  • Lizzie

    what a beautiful post. yes, for me too this spring has been a season of change for sure. i will miss spring, but can’t wait to see what next spring will bring with it 🙂 have a wonderful weekend

  • Lizzie

    what a beautiful post. yes, for me too this spring has been a season of change for sure. i will miss spring, but can’t wait to see what next spring will bring with it 🙂 have a wonderful weekend

  • silvermoon

    Dear Alice
    Normaly I don’t read every word in a blog, and my english is not sooo good. 😉 But this post of you I had to read. Thank you for your warm words and sharing with us!!
    best regards

  • silvermoon

    Dear Alice
    Normaly I don’t read every word in a blog, and my english is not sooo good. 😉 But this post of you I had to read. Thank you for your warm words and sharing with us!!
    best regards

  • Cindy

    Hello Alice
    Again I have truly enjoyed your blog post and felt that I could relate to it, as if you were voicing my very thoughts. I, too, can get caught up in the “one of these days when….” and not living in the moment. I always enjoy reading your well-written words and find great advice here that we can all benefit from.
    Renoir is so cute in his new “do”. 🙂

  • Cindy

    Hello Alice
    Again I have truly enjoyed your blog post and felt that I could relate to it, as if you were voicing my very thoughts. I, too, can get caught up in the “one of these days when….” and not living in the moment. I always enjoy reading your well-written words and find great advice here that we can all benefit from.
    Renoir is so cute in his new “do”. 🙂

  • LeahC

    Most of us are resistent to change…and yet, it is often a good thing. Alice, thank you for sharing your wonderful thoughts here with us:) I so often find myself relating to them–and you! Once again, thanks for the inspiration:)
    P.S. I hardly recognized Renoir with his “new do”; but, he is still a cutie!

  • LeahC

    Most of us are resistent to change…and yet, it is often a good thing. Alice, thank you for sharing your wonderful thoughts here with us:) I so often find myself relating to them–and you! Once again, thanks for the inspiration:)
    P.S. I hardly recognized Renoir with his “new do”; but, he is still a cutie!

  • Debbie

    Renoir looks like a new man! I bet he will enjoy feeling the breeze blow on his skin! What kind of flowers do you have in your bottle? They are so pretty! Blessings to you and your husband! Reminds me of the country song,”You’re Gonna Miss This.” The words of that song are very true~not always a country music girl but I do like this song!

  • Debbie

    Renoir looks like a new man! I bet he will enjoy feeling the breeze blow on his skin! What kind of flowers do you have in your bottle? They are so pretty! Blessings to you and your husband! Reminds me of the country song,”You’re Gonna Miss This.” The words of that song are very true~not always a country music girl but I do like this song!

  • bleudelavande

    wooowww Alice, that’s one of your best posts!!!! I loved read all ,and now I want to say you TANK YOU VERY MUCH for these deep reflections! You reminded what is really important in our life!!!

  • bleudelavande

    wooowww Alice, that’s one of your best posts!!!! I loved read all ,and now I want to say you TANK YOU VERY MUCH for these deep reflections! You reminded what is really important in our life!!!

  • Carole

    You wrote exactly how I feel…and I don’t think you were rambling. I admire you for your honesty. I would love to simplify my life but it’s so hard to do.
    I was trying to remember how I found your blog. I think it was thru Tracie of My Petite Maison? You had designed her website I believe. I thought it was so beautifully done.
    Take care of yourself and enjoy your break.

  • maren

    Dear Alice… thanks a lot for your words. There are a lot of things to think about… very important things.
    I wish you a very nice summer, lot of great days with beautiful moments and a lot of sunshine and love…

  • Jacey

    Great post, Alice… Love your refreshing honesty. BTW – we keep our Cairn clipped short in summer, too. I’m taking her in on Thursday for her summer makeover. Renoir looks wonderful!

  • Donna Warrington

    Count your blessing every day for you have plenty to be thankful for. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, your life changes and your blog. I love your blog, I find it very refreshing. And, love your dog.
    Can’t wait for the giveaway….

  • Donna Warrington

    Count your blessing every day for you have plenty to be thankful for. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, your life changes and your blog. I love your blog, I find it very refreshing. And, love your dog.
    Can’t wait for the giveaway….

  • Jo-Anne

    I have to agree with you, I love the spring, the light air and the flowers it brings. I find myslef in the house with the AC blowing more then I would like in the hot summer days…Im thinking a pool might help..
    Beautiful photos as always Alice!

  • Jennifer

    Gorgeous post Alice in so many ways!!! I too am going to miss Spring. Summer is nice, but their is just something so fresh and renewing about spring. It is kinda sad to see it leave.
    Thank you for sharing your gorgeous blog with us and opening your heart to us all. So glad life is good and postive and you are taking the time to “refocus”. 🙂 Take care! XO, Jenn

  • Jennifer

    Gorgeous post Alice in so many ways!!! I too am going to miss Spring. Summer is nice, but their is just something so fresh and renewing about spring. It is kinda sad to see it leave.
    Thank you for sharing your gorgeous blog with us and opening your heart to us all. So glad life is good and postive and you are taking the time to “refocus”. 🙂 Take care! XO, Jenn

  • A Gift Wrapped life

    You are new on my bloglist but I find I keep coming back……..you write beautifully and your photographs are simply exquisite. If if you carve out a bit of time each week for blogging, I’ll take whatever you offer. So glad I found you! I have had to refocus in much the same way, but you articulated it so well.

  • A Gift Wrapped life

    You are new on my bloglist but I find I keep coming back……..you write beautifully and your photographs are simply exquisite. If if you carve out a bit of time each week for blogging, I’ll take whatever you offer. So glad I found you! I have had to refocus in much the same way, but you articulated it so well.

  • Counting Your Blessings

    You’re so good about shutting out the things that are distracting. I’m trying to slow down for the Summer, to seek God more, listen for Him more. I’m praying through the Psalms, which I’ve never done before. In fact, I have to admit that I don’t really know how but I feel compelled to do it. It’s helping that ache of having a son that’s growing up. Steve’s new employer is no longer. They just couldn’t stay afloat in this economy. But we’re better prepared now and know above all else that God will take care of us.
    Once again I’m so proud of you and how you show us your growing relationship with God!
    You’re a blessing… Polly

  • Counting Your Blessings

    You’re so good about shutting out the things that are distracting. I’m trying to slow down for the Summer, to seek God more, listen for Him more. I’m praying through the Psalms, which I’ve never done before. In fact, I have to admit that I don’t really know how but I feel compelled to do it. It’s helping that ache of having a son that’s growing up. Steve’s new employer is no longer. They just couldn’t stay afloat in this economy. But we’re better prepared now and know above all else that God will take care of us.
    Once again I’m so proud of you and how you show us your growing relationship with God!
    You’re a blessing… Polly