Rainy Days…


It’s been rainy here as of late…very rainy…and not very summer like at all…


But I do so much enjoy cozy days spent inside listening to the rain fall against the windows and watching the earth get a shower…


As does Monsieur Renoir….{except of course if there is thunder in the air…then he is fast by my side and seeking cover}…


So what have I been up to in the meantime?

Green Tea

Well, other than enjoying lots of tea…

…the inclement weather has made for time to get caught up…

It seems like forever since I have had a “regular” post here with the giveaway and all…{and by the way…for those of you who have eagerly been awaiting the winner…the lucky one was Debbi of Then Am I Strong…if you go read her blog I think you will agree…she is quite deserving after all she has been through lately.}

I have also been busy preparing a few articles for future publications {will disclose at a much later date}…creating new items for the shop…and cleaning up my studio for the Where Blogger’s Create Party coming up this Friday.

Are you planning on attending?

I am so excited to share my {cluttered} atelier with you…and have been getting it spruced up just for the occasion.

Another big undertaking that I have been working on…has been moving my Romantic Vignettes feature on my website. It has always been a bit of a burden hosting it on my main site…which is why they weren’t updated as often as I would have liked. But now I have created a website dedicated just to our beloved Vignettes of the Moment {yours and mine}…and I do hope that you will stop by to leave your comments and feedback on it all very soon! I have not yet had time to add all of the archives or give it a design worthy of the romance shared there…but it is on my list of ‘things to do’…

I created a special vignette, for summer, last month in our dining room that is the current featured vignette…here is a sneak peek, but you will need to head over to www.romanticvignettes.com to see the rest…

July Vignette 2

With all the busyness, I haven’t had time to make the rounds to visit all of you as much as I like…I know that you all know how that goes though…and hope that you will accept my apologies and know that I often think about you during the day 😉

It still amazes me how a community of people, many of whom have never met, become such an important part of each others lives…you really are an important part of mine.

Well it is 3 am here…{yikes! Mental note: add on list of things to do….”go to bed earlier”} so I am off…but I will leave you with this adorable shot…


An antique lace doily was lying on the stairway, and Renoir decided to make it a pillow of his very own {he has a fetish for lace doilies or anything of the like…as well as napping on the stairs ;)}

Till next time…



  • Margaret Bouwmeester

    Hi Alice, I am trying to my room ready too! I haven’t been posting for awhile, it is so hard to get everything done, and I am a little back logged…..
    I am under going a treatment for my Lupus right now and it makes me incredibly ill and tired, it sure is hard to catch up!!! I loved your milk glass mug, you always have such beautiful posts!!!
    I look forward to seeing where you create!!!
    Margaret B

  • Sheila R

    Your “voice” is so refreshing and I look forward to all your lovely pictures. Renoir is so sweet laying there with the doilie! Enjoy your time!
    Can’t wait until the party starts on Friday, as I too have been cleaning and preparing for the “party”. See you there!

  • Becky

    I am pet sitting for 6 weeks and my beloved new daughter-in-law forgot to mention that her little dog has to take medication to get through a storm. He barks continually until the meds kick in. So I am praying for daytime quick thunderstorms. lol
    I didn’t know that you did the romantic vinettes. I love what you do

  • kelly

    Oh Alice just visit when you can! And no hard feelings if you can’t, all of you including Renoir are always in my thoughts!
    Enjoy the summer rainfalls, minus the harsh thunder are little pups don’t care for it either, or fireworks. They would rather just sleep it away!
    Take Care and be sure to let me know if you are making any blog templates etc!
    LOVE you work!

  • June

    Hi Alice,
    Reading your post this morning was like a breath of fresh air to me. The pictures put me somewhere else for awhile and it was lovely. I got my package and was so thrilled. Everything is just perfect and all your added touches made it even more special. My husband even enjoyed how excited I was over getting a package.

  • Paula

    Dear Alice,
    Your photos are so beautiful and Renoir is so adorable!!!! I am glad you are enjoying the cozy, rainy days, drinking tea, and getting caught up. Rainy days are so good for that! I am very happy Debbi won your giveaway!
    I look forward to seeing your studio. I enjoyed your new Romantic Vignette! It was so beautiful, and I like the new website, too. Take care and try to get to bed earlier! 🙂 I am always blessed and inspired by you and your posts.
    Have a lovely day!
    Love, Paula

  • Sandra Boothman

    You even make rain look good! Amazing! Love your photos ,but I knew I would. I can’t manage to get to everyones blogs either. I do try, but get behind. We understand…just pop in when you can!

  • Julie Marie Vicknair

    Hello Alice, this post is just beautiful and I adore Renoir! You offer so much inspiration and contentment…thank you also for adding me to your “Thoughtful Bloggers” list, that means so very much to me…I just found out this morning your husband has a blog and a shop, so I ordered one of his beautiful rings…you two are a match made in Heaven…

  • Andrea

    We have had a lot of rain this summer too!
    May & June I think it rained almost everyday. Your pictures are so beautiful to look at. I love the picture of Renior by
    the window, and of course the last one.
    You have a knack for putting together
    vignettes so nicely! You inspire me.

  • Suzy's Vintage Attic

    Hello Alice
    Here in Somerset it is rain, rain and more rain. Strange summer, not much fun for families hoping for some fun at the beach! Your photos are beautifully taken.
    Isabelle x

  • Ashley

    Hi Alice, just found your blog, though I think I’ve visited before. LOVE the photo of your pup. He’s adorable. And all the rest of your photography, home, and pretty little knick knacks are great!

  • Terri Morse

    Hi Alice. I’ve so much enjoyed visiting your studio. You’ve even given me a few ideas for mine! I have a lovely old window frame without the glass, and I’ve been trying to decide what to do with it. You know what they say about space: when you run out of it on the ground, go up. Now I know what to do with my window frame. Also, I use a lot of vintage laces too. I’ve had this two-tiered plate holder forever. It will make the perfect place for some of my goodies! It’s always such fun visiting you. Have a great weekend!

  • Mitzi Curi

    Alice, I enjoy your lovely photography and writing, both are very inspiring. Renoir reminds me very much of my two West Highland White Terriers, Chauncey and Cheswick. They are the best pals in good times and bad. I’ve added your blog to my “favorites” and look forward to more Painted White inspiration!
    Mitzi Curi