Vignette Details from the Living Room

Earlier this week, I shared our living room and entryway area reveals on my blog. Here are a few extra shots from some of my vignettes and details from the room.

This old scale is the first one I ever purchased and is still my favorite. Since then I have acquired quite a collection.

The cast iron rabbit was a gift from my mother, and when I don’t have it out for spring decor, it’s displayed in the kids’ room.

The enamel pitcher is new (vintage inspired). At some point I want to purchase an old white enamel pitcher, but until then this works. The clock face, I literally took out of a cheap clock that was leftover from our yard sale last year.

Being a lover of photography, I have a growing collection of old cameras. Most of these have come from flea markets, and annual sales in our area. If you want to start a collection of your own, eBay and Etsy are good sources online. I have actually sold quite a few on Etsy in the past several years.

At the very top of our corner shelf, I have a glass and woodland vignette.

The owl was an inexpensive thrift store find. The bottles are all antiques, but the glass cloche is new. I added a piece of drift wood and an old metal downspout basket. You can sometimes find vintage gutter strainers for sale online. I like them because they look like little crowns to me 🙂

Above my tin ceiling tile mirror, I have a very old sheep print that I purchased at the flea market for a dollar. It definitely has wear, but it is one of my favorite finds.

I can’t wait to share more room reveal tours with you. I hope to share our kitchen progress, thus far, in my next post. It is already starting to look like a new kitchen! Stay tuned!

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Till next time,
~Alice W.

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