Getting Back to Art & Creating

First, I want to give a heartfelt thank you to everyone who came, read, commented and shared your personal stories with me on my last post about my miscarriage. There is tremendous healing in reading the kind and encouraging words of others. Both by those who have been there and those who offer their support and sympathy.

When the depression had finally lifted, I continued to talk with my counselor and told her how I still felt lost as to who I was and what I wanted to do with my life. I’ve been a stay at home mom with side businesses (my blog, Etsy shop, etc.) for several years, but in the last couple, I started to let my kids be my entire focus and lost much of my creative spirit.

I didn’t feel that I had time to be creative, apart from kids projects and helping them do what they wanted to creative-wise. I started to feel my role was just to do the cooking and cleaning and be the person who keeps everything going here. If it wasn’t “mom” related, there was no use for it. No time for me to have an outlet or do anything that filled my own soul. I basically shut the door on my artistic self. But it was honestly killing me inside.

My counselor encouraged me to try and find the time. She kept reminding me that I mattered. My soul, my creative energy, my artistic pursuits, dreams and goals. They matter.

I had a hard time accepting this at first.

Over time, however, I started to do little creative things for myself. I began working on an art journal. Something I have had an interest in for years, but never started.

I also started dabbling in abstract and vintage inspired surreal collage art. Another media, I have had a strong passion for, but allowed fear of failure to hold me back. Once I started, however, it gradually became easier to find my voice as an artist and express what I wanted to creatively.

Flight Lessons

I reopened all three of my Etsy shops and started listing my photography, collage art and dollhouse miniatures once again. It felt so good and so right. Etsy has changed a lot since I have sold on there and getting any traffic to my shops has been an uphill battle, but I am not going to let that discourage me. I am going to continue to create to my heart’s content.

Another lesson learned from my counselor is that creating art can be freeing and soul fulfilling even if only for art’s sake. Even if it doesn’t provide monetary compensation. Obviously, the money helps, and can be validating to your work, but it is not the only thing that matters or that determines whether it is worth doing.

Here are some of the abstract art prints I have been adding to my shop. I have so much fun creating these! I combine both actual cut images and shapes with digital textures and Photoshop effects. I also have a few originals listed in the shop as well.

Peach and Black
Abstract No. 9
Mother Nature

I have also been working on surreal digital collage art prints and instant download wall art prints. I love combining vintage magazine images with cut shapes and textures.

Surreal Collage Art by Alice Wingerden

Getting back into photography has also become a joy once again that I let go of. Getting the latest iPhone recently, I got lazy with photography and only used my phone. Don’t get me wrong, the new iphone XR (affiliate link*) takes awesome photos, but it really can’t compare to what I can capture on my Cannon 5D Mark III (affiliate link*).

From the Orchard
NBC Studios
Blossoming Dreams
The Coffee Cup Restaurant

I have also been busy listing new miniatures in my House Small shop. I will share some of those with you in a separate post in the near future. I still have so much fun creating tiny things for modern and bohemian style dollhouses. I hope to find time to work on our remodels once again soon too!

Now, my children watch me create again and know it as part of my everyday life. Something they can see truly matters to me. They even offer suggestions for me, or find me items to use in my art when we are our and about. It is rewarding to share this passion with them.

My deepest hope, is that they never lose sight of who they are in this life and always follow their passions no matter what the world or their own self doubt might be telling them.

My wish for them…and myself

Go for it. Do it. Believe in yourself even if no one else does. Follow your dreams. Reach for the stars. Don’t let fear imprison you or hold you back. You are worthy. There is space enough in this world for everyone’s gifts and talents and yours matter. The world wouldn’t be the same without it. Even if they fail to notice for a long time. If it fuels you, don’t let it go. Don’t allow it to die inside of you. Go and live it out being the best you that you can be.

*This post contains some affiliate links. I may receive a small commission for any sales made through them. The cost to you does not change.

Till next time…