• 6 months of Violet

    It’s hard to believe our little Violet passed the six month point..but here we are. In fact, she just turned 7 months yesterday and I totally missed it! Mom brain to the fullest these days. It’s probably because I have two others to tend to at the same time, but this seems like the fastest growing baby ever. I wish I could just slow down the clock… How could she possibly go from this: to this: in the blink of an eye? We are all enjoying watching her grow and learn new things every day. Life is full! Our house is sold and we are putting our first offer in for…

  • Life with Violet

    Hello everybody! I’m back! Well, for a moment anyways…to update you on the birth of our baby and life these days! We very happily welcomed Violet Isla into our family on November 12th, 2016, just one day before she was due. She has been an easy going, happy baby from day one, and we could not be more overjoyed. Life is a lot busier these days with adding a third child to the mix, but I am loving it. I have received several emails gently asking if everything is okay and how we are doing…many based on the knowledge of my previous experience with PPD. I am so happy to…

  • 38 Weeks and Counting

    I have partnered with Burke Decor for this post. All expressed opinions are 100% my own. Full disclosure. On Sunday, I hit the 38 week mark in this pregnancy. This baby seems pretty content to just stay where she is. My first baby, Hazel, was born premature at 31 weeks and Owen was born at exactly 38. It looks like I might get to know what the 39th and 40th weeks of pregnancy are like with this one…maybe even beyond? I am definitely nesting these days and spending as much time and energy as possible (which is fading fast) getting things ready around here for our baby girl. I am…

  • The End of Summer and New Beginnings

    This summer seems to have flown by. I am sure I think that every summer, but this time, I am sending two kids off to school, so it seems even more monumental. Hazel heads to full day kindergarten (and riding the bus!) and Owen heads to half day Pre-K. I know they are both more than ready and will do and learn amazing things, but I am a bit sad this precious time home during the day with them is coming to an end of sorts. Of course, we will be adding a new member to our family this fall and will start the whole process over again, which I…

  • Our growing family and where I have been…

    I know…I know…it has been forever since I have posted on this little blog of mine! I decided at the beginning of the summer to make some transitions in life, mainly being to take a break from the computer and social media. It has been a very refreshing time and exactly what I needed. I have been free to spend every day focused on Hazel and Owen: having fun, exploring, creating, playing, using our imaginations and building lasting memories. I love these days.  In the fall, Hazel will be off to full day kindergarten and Owen to half day Pre-K. I want to savor this sweet time we have before the…

  • Goodbye Summer

    Summer is almost over, and I am sad to see it go. But then…fall is my favorite, so I am definitely ready to sink right into it. Here is one last hoorah to summer with some random shots I captured these past few months and a look back on some of our adventures. Overall, it was a busy, but relaxing summer. We were able to get away, spend time with extended family and most of all spend time with each other. With Hazel turning four and Owen on the verge of turning three, it feels like these little years a slipping right through my hands. Before I know it Hazel…