• my heart…

    I can hardly believe how quickly time is going by.  {And that I haven't posted anything since February 17th! Sorry for being such a bad blogger these days.} I have been keeping very busy and enjoying the second trimester {a lot more than the first}… As we speak, I am 20 1/2 weeks…and halfway along… In a little more than 19 weeks a new life will enter our world. And we could not be happier. It seems theses days that my heart has moved a bit lower. Reality sunk in for me when we had our last ultrasound and we heard the words… Little Girl Now I spend my days…

  • New Treasures…

    My giveaway winnings from Mira arrived over the weekend and left me speechless and overjoyed. Just look at the delightful wrapping…{I always swoon over creatively beautiful gift wrappings}… She even included the little winning slip with my name on it which made me smile, along with several extra little trinkets that I wasn’t expecting… Everything she sent was impeccably beautiful…her photograph note cards are gorgeous and her bookmarks are of the highest quality – I even started using them. But I have to say…this handmade Farine heart is my most favorite… I quickly found a home for it in the dining room hutch… …near a set of vintage canisters and some…

  • Romantic Inspiration…

    Recently, I have been spending a lot of time looking through photos from the past couple of years…with new eyes. I often don’t look through these, since many were taken with our older camera {that I often complained about} or before I got the groove of the new one. With a fresh set of eyes…and a vintage touch of editing…they have been given a new life… I thought I would share some random romantic inspiration found in these here with you… Our bedroom… Madai’s glittered banner draped on the first birthday gift given to me by my beloved… The tiara I wore on our wedding day… Old postcards are often found…

  • Dwindling Summer Days…

    The summer days seem to be slipping by so quickly… It gives me a twinge of sadness…while joy rushes in with thoughts of fall…my absolute favorite time of year… I will miss the flowers though… and the warm days spent lounging here… Perhaps I sound a bit hasty saying goodbye to summer so soon…but spending so much time planning for and preparing the shop for the fall {and even winter} collections has pushed my thoughts forward a bit… and kept me very, very busy… I will be posting more studio pics as time allows…{I haven’t forgotten ;)} and will be returning emails to those of you who have taken time…

  • Rainy Days…

    It’s been rainy here as of late…very rainy…and not very summer like at all… But I do so much enjoy cozy days spent inside listening to the rain fall against the windows and watching the earth get a shower… As does Monsieur Renoir….{except of course if there is thunder in the air…then he is fast by my side and seeking cover}… So what have I been up to in the meantime? Well, other than enjoying lots of tea… …the inclement weather has made for time to get caught up… It seems like forever since I have had a “regular” post here with the giveaway and all…{and by the way…for those of…

  • Saying Hello…

    Just popping in quickly to say hello to all of my lovely blogging friends…old and new….your kind words get me through the day often, and I long to hear your beautiful thoughts… I am keeping myself busy preparing the Summer Collection for the shop, which will be making it’s way in stock within the next two weeks. I have given the site a little update too that I hope you enjoy. Look for lots of handmade items coming soon including lavender sachets, accent pillows, altered bottles, jewelry and collage art. We will also be stocking vintage finds that we hope you will enjoy. I will be putting all design services on hold until the fall, to…