• A Year of Mantel Vignettes

    Today, I thought it would be fun to share all of the mantel vignettes that I created this past year. I love changing out the decor of our mantel season to season. I am still on my blogging break but got this post ready for you before, so you could enjoy it now! Our mantel currently resides in our dining room and has for the past few years. We purchased it at an architectural salvage store right after we moved into our current home. It was painted dark brown then, but because the paint was literally chipping right off, we sanded it down and gave it a rough coat of white. Click…

  • Vintage Stacked Book Christmas Tree {inside our mantel}

    Last month, I shared a project over on Jennifer Rizzo’s blog for an unconventional Christmas tree that I set up inside our mantel. I literally thought this up on a whim one afternoon while the little ones were napping. I had no idea how much it would inspire people. The images of my vintage book stack Christmas tree are some of my most popular on Instagram, and I am constantly hearing people say how much they love it. This was even featured on Country Living’s Facebook page and one morning I saw that the Junk Gypsies shared the image on Instagram (with credit to their Pinterest boards <—insert my sad…

  • Merry Christmas and Glad New Year!

    The month of December is flying by, and Christmas will be here before we know it. Which is why it is time for me to take a much needed break from blogging (and time spent on social media) to unwind, unplug and plug fully into my family and home life. So many great things have happened for me this year with this little blogging “gig” but so many more important things are happening here in our home as we raise two beautiful children. I have a couple of posts scheduled that will go live during my break, but I will be spending my days getting lost in the wonder with…

  • White Christmas Home Tour with Sweet Biscuit Paper and Press

    I am so thrilled to share an amazing holiday home tour with you today! My dear friend Tina Lowery of Sweet Biscuit Paper and Press has the most impeccable style and an amazing talent for filling her home with special touches. She is a creative genius. She doesn’t have her own blog up and running yet, but in the meantime, she has graciously allowed me to share her home with all of you! Tina and I have never met in person, but have been online friends for several years. I truly consider her one of my dearest friends and love that we have grown so close through emails, texting and…

  • Vintage Inspired Hot Chocolate Station

    If you recently came to take my holiday home tour, you would have seen the hot chocolate station I set up in the kitchen. If not, I am sharing the full details of it here today! I went with a vintage inspired theme and my whole family loves it. Although, I keep catching my kids stealing the marshmallows 🙂 This was the first year I set up a hot chocolate bar, but I think it will become a holiday tradition now. We have an old desk in our kitchen that serves as an island. I knew that would be the perfect spot for it. The first thing that I did…

  • DIY Feather Snowflake Ornaments

    Last week, I was excited to participate with several other bloggers for a Trim the Tree Party hosted by Clean and Scentsible. I shared an easy diy tutorial for making snowflake ornaments out of feathers. I am sharing the original post here with you today. I hope you enjoy! I only made the four in the post, but am hoping to find some time to do more soon for our tree. I am loving how they look on it! Here is the original post: Hello everybody! I am so thrilled to be participating in this week’s Trim the Tree Party. I have a super easy ornament tutorial for you today,…