• the ups and downs of hazel days…

    Hazel is growing so fast…it is hard to believe she is almost 7 months old already. {5 months adjusted for being premature} Life is full of her laughter, sweet smiles, soft spoken ramblings… {and high pitched screams when she is testing out her voice} She can hold her head up on her own now, enjoys books and grasping toys. She is infatuated with the iPad {and TV, unfortunately, if she can find it within her sight}.  She loves her hands. and just recently discovered her feet. She sleeps through the night now {for the most part}, but has started the dreaded stage of teething. She takes regular naps and is…

  • Hazel Came Home

    On August 19th, after a painstaking 50 days in the NICU, we finally got to bring our sweet Hazel home. It was the best (and scariest!) day. She weighed in at 5 lbs. 14 oz. that day. We have been home now for over a month and life is sure different around here. I have a new "boss" so to speak. Having been used to doing my own thing everyday, it has been quite the adjustment. Hazel was diagnosed with severe reflux before we left the hospital and put on three medications. Feedings are quite a chore as they are often painful for her. Joshua and I are going on…

  • Fletcher’s Little Blue Truck’s Halloween Birthday Party

    This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a small commission for any sales made through them. The cost to you remains the same. Can you believe my little Fletcher just turned two on October 14th? It’s still hard to believe how fast the time goes by. He is a sweet, happy, funny little guy who loves to get into mischief (and believe me…he does!). He especially loves to read with me, which I love too. His current favorite is anything Little Blue Truck related. So, with his birthday being two weeks before Halloween, we decided to throw together a no fuss Little Blue Truck’s Halloween party for him. If…

  • October Mood – A Poetic Fall Photoshoot

    October is one of my favorite months. When the leaves are showing their beautiful fall foliage, with a crispness in the air and warmth and coziness indoors. I just love this time of year. Recently, my ten year old daughter, Hazel, has taken a strong interest in doing photoshoots with me. She loves to take her own photographs but still loves being my muse even after all these years. Last week, we decided to do a little artistic spooky-ish Halloween session. We grabbed some props: candles, a white pumpkin and old books, including The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and an antique copy of the Magic Casements, a poetry book with…

  • Still Seeking Beauty

    Dear Reader, who has stumbled upon my little corner of the world (perhaps for the first time in a long while or for the first time ever), I thank you. Thank you for being here. For caring to pop in at this exact moment. I am humbled that fellow kindred spirits still come here to this place that houses my words, my photographs, my imperfectly creative life. Life continues to move on even as blogs get left in the dust. I have so much I could share. So much I would love to have time to pour out here. I wish you could sit across from me right now as…

  • Wild Violet

    It’s been awhile since I have gotten out my canon camera to take some portraits of the little two, but lately I have been challenging myself to get it out more and more. Most of the photos of Violet and Fletcher stay on my phone and are just snapshots of whatever funny, cute, crazy things they do during the day. Last week, I asked Violet if she would pose for some “real” camera photographs for me and after some coaxing, she agreed. Violet is worlds apart from my first two, Hazel and Owen. She definitely puts the sass in sassy! She is very opinionated and strong willed. Recently she stopped…